hello there, i am experimenting with four rotating objects, the animation is perfect, my only problem is i cnt get it to stop and go on to the next frame, and the animation is called on by a separate actionscript file, i ve this code to try n stop the animation but it doesnt work, plizzzz help!
maxPlays = 3;
// this is the max number of times i want to play it.
if (timesPlayed == undefined) {
var timesPlayed:Number = 1; // this is where i will keep track of how many times i have played the loop.
// this will create the counter
if (timesPlayed < maxPlays) { // if its less than the max number of plays
timesPlayed++; // it plays again
gotoAndPlay(2); // play it again
} else { // if it has played the amount of times wanted
stop(); // don’t play again
thanks in advance!