in one function i’ve created almost 30 movie clips with a text field inside them:
// Create the Empty Movie Clip
_dateClipHolder:MovieClip = _root.createEmptyMovieClip("_dateClip"+j,_root.getNextHighestDepth());
// Create a Text Field Inside them
and in a totally separate function (called later) i want to access these clips and do things to them:
_dateClipHolder["_thisDate" + _today].border = true;
_dateClipHolder["_thisDate" + _today].borderColor = 0xFFFFFF;
_dateClipHolder["_thisDate" + _today].background = true;
_dateClipHolder["_thisDate" + _today].backgroundColor = 0xCCCCCC;
obviously it’s a scope issue but i don’t know how to get scope back. any ideas?
i can trace out:
trace(typeof _dateClipHolder);
in the second function and it returns “movie clip”. but all those textfield properties, i.e. border, borderColor, background, etc…aren’t being executed. i can’t even trace out:
_dateClipHolder["_thisDate" + _today]
it returns undefined.
and while on this note, is there any place i can read about scope and focus issues in flash? this is my one constant problem from project to project and i need to figure it out once and for all.
thanks. - fumeng.