Lost and confused on symbol and mouse stuff

Hey fellas,

So im here stuck on my character for a sidescrollin shooter. I’ve made him out, he looks good, and everything but now im stuck on the character animation. For now before even getting him running or anything i want him to follow my mouse.

Since i cut him up at the joints so i can animate him with ease and some cool lookin movements are wanted. I loaded everything to my library and from here i got a little confused and im not even sure if its teh right way of going about it. i put all my little pictures on the stage on different layers and then chose (all the layers) and made it a movie clip. from here i wasnt sure if i make them graphic symbols since imma have to call to each individual body part to rotate to follow the mouse. so i make em into symbols again but they get out of order but i know i probably can get around that after messing around a while. but my main concern is the way it rotates and would it follow the mouse.

i have the points of rotation at the right spots.so if it just rotates its good to go. but im lost from there on. i need him to position his arm and head to look at what im pointing at, and the rest of the body to position itself (i.e get in the better angle to look at where the mouse is. far and high == standing up and looking up, close/far and low == crouching and looking low.)

i don’t want direct heres what to do (although that would be nice :slight_smile: ) but like a general direction ineed to look at, since i have some idea on what i need to do, but some reading material would be awesome. what i’ve found so far is mouse detection but i need some more to work on what im lookin for… if that made sense…

anyhelp would be appreciated.
thanks in advance