Hi ! I got a strange bug here.
Inside a main MC, I added 2 keyframes. On each, I added an empty movieClip with the SAME name “texture” and from the same lib instance. On the first, .y = 10 + dispatchEvent(new Event(“ressourceReady”,true)); + stop(); and on the second frame, .y = 100. Super !
Now in my AS file, I wait for the dispatched event to launch the init process. Ok, everything is fine, I receive the event and I can access to “texture”. Inside my class, when I receive the event, I wrote : _texture = e.currentTarget.texture; It’s ok, I can access to the MC properties, set a texture, everything is fine.
Now, the problem. I send the timeline on the 2nd frame. Remember that my “texture” is set to “.y = 100” ? No !!! It is at 10 !!! What the… So I add a trace on the 2nd frame to check the .y property… ■■■■ it’s really = 10. That MC is now unsync with the timeline !?
I’ve tried many tricks. The first one is to add an empty keyframe between the first and the second frame. (so i got a total of 3 frames). It seems to work well. The second idea is to rename “texture” by “texture2” only on the 2nd frame but it’s not clean at all.
I’m not “stuck” with the problem but I wish to find a clean way to fix that strange thing.
(Sorry for my english!) Thx a lot !