hey lostinbeta… on your site theres a tutorial for the time thingy… and i think thats all cool and stuff and i tried making it and my skills suck so yeah… u dont have like a .fla for that that i could have or anything do you? if you dont want stealing it thats cool… i dont care, i was just wondering…
geeze… just cuz this is in the wrong forum and just because i want to rip off your invention and just cuz im some random person you dont know doesnt mean you shouldnt reply… hmmph
Here is another tutorial. DIfferent methods but same effect. Read the tutorial and you will find out how to do it.
*Originally posted by xxviii *
**geeze… just cuz this is in the wrong forum and just because i want to rip off your invention and just cuz im some random person you dont know doesnt mean you shouldnt reply… hmmph **
Maybe you should create the thread when I am on the forum so I can be here to reply ;)…lol.
As for my tutorial… nope, no .fla for it yet. The tutorial is pretty straightforward though, you shouldn’t have any problems with it.
I always get e-mails telling me how good it is.
Oh yeah… and rip off my invention? It is a tutorial, and it is of a clock in flash… definitely not something I invented…LOL.
I made a clock once in flash, waaay back…
Lost, I bet YOU remember this one
Eilsoe’s hella old analog clock
I can’t believe I haven’t thrown this one out yet
ill get to work on that tonight… i think i hope im tired
i figured out the part i need help on
First go to Insert/New Symbol or press CTRL+F8, they both work.
Create a new movie clip called “getTime”(without quotations).
Open your library and drag an instance of getTime onto any location of the MAIN movie screen.
Right click the getTime instance and click Actions.
Apply these actions directly to the movie clip:
ok so the open ur library thing… what the library… obviously im new…
OMG, the library is like the most important thing in Flash. It is what holds all the symbols you use in your movie.
Hit CTRL+L to open it. Or go to Window/Library or something like that.
Keep in my I wrote that tutorial the day after I started learning AS so some of it might be a bit… “ghetto”