xcenter and speed you know from the infinite menu tutorial you originally got the code from.
lowX is the furthest right your slide clip can move highX is the furthest left your slide clip can go.
lowX is just a number, not that hard.
highX makes it more dynamic to the width so it can be any size you want. It takes the width of this clip, and subtracts the width of the mask so that the distance it can go left is all dynamic so you don’t have to guess and check, it should always work as long as you keep your registration to the far left of the slide clip like you have now.
distance you should know from the tutorial.
if (this._x>=lowX) {
this._x = lowX;
If it is out of bounds of the lowX, then keep it in the lowX
else if (this._x<=highX) {
this._x = highX;
Else if it is out of bounds of the highX, keep it in the highX.
LOL, I actually stumbled on that by accident. I didn’t feel like coming up with a set number by guess and check so I tried to figure out the relation between the mask and the slide clip and how to get that to work according with the lowX coordinate.
I tried that and it worked. Just got lucky really.
I have stuffed around with a lot of scrolling menu tutes…
The infinte slider has the problem of what if your showing 4 items of 5. It looks stupid scrolling the same thing over and over.
Plus none of the tutes explained how to make them work once you have changed the Document size, or moved it around, or changed the sizes.
I wanted the menu that YOU have created, I wanted to make it dynamic wich thanks to _root.box._x; it is now 100% dynamic.
even a newbie can copy and paste this, change the sizes of things move things around and its still gonna work.
I think a tute should be posted on this one… I have been unable to find one on anything like it any site. And personaly I think its the best menu setup around.
Hmmm, perhaps I will bring this up with Kirupa. He might let me make an addition to Ilyas’ Infinite Menu tutorial which would be where it isn’t infinite, but it moves the same.
But trust me… even a n00b can mess this up. We have had n00bs mess up motion tweens…lol.
Most likely it would be a registration point problem. The equations used in your .fla rely on that registration clip being set to any of the 3 far left points. Remember that for future reference