
Just wanted to let you guys know that luksy was trying to distrubute some software on the forum by placing a direct download link. Since this isn’t a warez forum, I removed the link. I doubt he’ll put it up again, but if he does, I want you guys to be aware of it. Here’s the link to that thread.

if he does, feel free to ban :bad:

Yeah, he’s asking why it’s removed and my finger is just itching to press the ban button. :evil:

You guys are scaring me…

seriously, one person does something bad and all of you are jumping on banning him.

Correct their wrongs and hope for the best in the end.

Oh he’s not banned yet. We’re only semi-evil. :evil:

oh you mean
<marquee behavior=slide width=10 scrollamount=10 direction=right>:evil:</marquee>

…semi-evil. :stuck_out_tongue:

Sure, but there are 2 of you…

Ok, both of you (eg and eilsoe) are semi-evil. If pom and I were semi-good (angels with pitchforks) that would cancel you guys out.


*Originally posted by Manny Calavera *
**seriously, one person does something bad and all of you are jumping on banning him.

Correct their wrongs and hope for the best in the end. **
we’re supposed to be evil :stuck_out_tongue:

So what does that make me? :stuck_out_tongue:

…an angel :love:

…of darkness :evil:

…and love :love:

suck-up :sure:

shut-up :bad:

pucker-up :love:

Since the -up’s seemed to have thwarted ;), Ill just say that marquee-master-manny has a point with

*Originally posted by Manny Calavera *
**seriously, one person does something bad and all of you are jumping on banning him.

Correct their wrongs and hope for the best in the end. **


Yeah, I don’t think luksy did anything too bad.

He didn’t provide a crack or serial number with the software, which tones down the situation, but he did provide a link to direct download which in it’s own is illegal, but the user still only gets it for 30 days.

So good idea on removing the link and saying why you removed, but we can just wait and see how he reacts to that and if he doesn’t do it again.