Mac browser: html showing

I made a html document on my mac, opened it up in safari and firefox, and it shows all the code (html tags, body tags, etc).

Does anyone know why this is?

are you sure you’ve saved it as a html file?

yes, im sure. Though its still coming up. I’m trying to do what I do on windows- view the html file from the desktop. I noticed that apache is installed on my mac, though I cant find the place to put my files to view pages from my localhost. Any ideas?

/Users/username/Sites is the default for apache, but even so you’ll need to enable it do a search for installing php and apache on a mac on google, there’s some ez to follow tutorials on the net… much easier than on windows.

ummm… also, if you’re just using basic html… you don’t need to have it in an “apache” folder, you can just view it by double clickinging it no matter where it’s at, it should open as an html file.

Problem fixed! I forgot to set text edit to plain text. Thanks for your help anyway!

just a little “after” note - Simplistik: Php is already on osx10.4+ - comes standard dude… :wink: