I posted like a week ago and got some good help from the Mac users, so hopefully I can wrap this thing up.
Ok, so here’s my code:
//initialize number links in our site
//loop to attach name to and create action for each button
for(i=1; i<=numLinks; i++) {
eval(“b”+i).name = “b”+i;
eval(“b”+i).onRelease = function(){
_root.movietoplay = this.name;
loadMovie(“the_book/book_movie.swf”, _root.book_clip);
[/AS]On PC this code has no problem. I am dynamically coding each button on the page with this code. Would the ‘loadMovie()’ part be violating the Mac “don’t put loadMovie() within an onEnterFrame() handle” rule? Or is this completely legit and the problem just lies elsewhere?