Mac OS X Dock Menu effect

hello people of the,

i found this nice Mac OS X Dock Menu effect on (the second link from the top), the thing is, it only works when it is published for flash player 6 or lower…

can someone take a look and tell me why it doesn’t work when it is published for flash player 7…

thank you in advance!

dunno why but this should work for you:

I’m trying to get my images to load dynamically…which I’ve done…so no problem there…but my problem is that it doesn’t seem to be allowing the images to align properly. I’m waiting until the images are loaded into the movieclip before positioning them…any help would be appreciated.

You can see the example here…and my source is attached…

(yes I know the photos are huge…Its just a test for now…I’ll fix later.)

You can see the example here…and my source is attached…

I’ve changed the file that was given…it now supports dynamic loading of images. You can check out what it looks like using the link above and you can download the new class file. It’s attached.

hello again,

when looking through the code I realized that the problem when published for player 7 or 8 is in the last for loop in the line:

xpos += menuitems[i-1]._width / 2 + miborder + menuitems*._width / 2;

it works when published for player 6???
is there anyone who knows some kind of “work around”

thank you

Hello, I’m new to flash and to this board. I’ve been trying to help my friend create a Mac OSX Effect Menu for his site. I have not a clue where to begin, although I’ve read several sites on question about it. If there is anyone that would like to extend a hand, please email me at or at Thanks so much.

  • Ivy

PS: I’m a fast learner and you will not be wasting your time with me. :slight_smile: