Does anyone knows how to do a menu like their? I’m making a webpage and i would like to have a menu like that: on mouse over --> the submenu links show up. On roll out, the submenu links desapear…
I’ve already tired to make an animation in a movie clip, and put it inside the “Over” option inside the button, but it didn’t worked, because if you pass with your mouse in the space where the submenu should appear only when you pass over the button on the menu, it appeared at the same.
Then i tried with load movie. The problem is that with loadmovie i must unload the submenu movie when i have the mouse out of the button on the main menu, and that means everywhere out of the menu, and that’s a problem, because the only way i know to do that is to put a movie clip behind the menu, with the AS to unload the submenu swf. The problem is that flash transforms it into a button, and when i generate the swf, the mouse is allways a hand (like in a button).
So, my question is: How can i make a menu effect like in the one on ???
P.S. - Sorry if i explain my ideias in a too complicated way, but it’s the best i can do… :x