
Hey guys,
I just got my new PowerBook G4 12"! I am so happy. I really love it! w00t! :stuck_out_tongue: I just cant get over it cause it was a surprise, my mom said that we should just start shopping around for it to look at prices and such, so we went down to the mac store, talked to a few people and p00f! walked out with the new powerbook :slight_smile: Well i have to get some stuff on here, :crazy: day today.

Happy Fourth to all the Americans here!


you lucky b…
uh, sorry


take a picture!

congrats mdipi. I don’t know much about macs, but is the 12" one the really portable and light one?

mooey congatza dipster… that’s great =)

hehe thanks guys. yeah nali this sis really portable, thats why i got it, fcause i have to bring it to class and stuff.

Taking a picture now acctually! just gimme a few mins!

what os you got and whats the speed on it?? let us know your mac experience :beam:

OS 10.2 Jagur (or however its spelt), i wanted to wait for 10.3 but i need it sooner.

hmm i think i got the combo drive.

12.1-inch TFT Display
1024x768 resolution
867MHz PowerPC G4

40GB Ultra ATA/100
Combo Drive
NVIDIA GeForce4 420 Go
32MB DDR video memory
10/100BASE-T Ethernet
FireWire 400

AirPort Extreme Ready
Bluetooth built-in
VGA & S-Video out

thats the outta the box specs, i got like 512 of memory though and airport.

hehe and i got a 99 dollar HP printer with a $99 rebate! hehe.

oh before i forget it has a dual boot so i can go to os 9 if i HAVE to


Next question, how much???

Wow, those are some nice specs for such a portable machine. I didn’t think you’d be able to get a 40 gb hard drive in one that small.

You’ve gotta love mac’s though. It’s not a 900 mhz processor or 800 mhz processor, it’s 867 :).

:stunned: lol nali didnt even think of that.

Grim: www.apple.com just over the listed price. Just casue i got an airport card the warenty and another 256 megs of ram.


edit: willing to take more pics if you want :stuck_out_tongue:

OMG! craps his pants the last two are truly frightning! :stuck_out_tongue:

its the farthest my arm will og!

way to go mdipi! join the club…!!!

hehe i was the first one int eh sign up line today!!

edit: added two more pics :crazy: