Major cache problem :(

I have this swf (an avatar) that you can edit on another page, this all works perfect…in firefox and netscape…internet explorer and opera however do whatever they want and ignore al variables that have been updated…

This is what I basicly have in my swf

itemAantal = 5;
persoon = "man1"
function undress() {
    for (i=0; i<itemAantal; i++) {
        this["haar"+i]._visible = false;
        this["shirt"+i]._visible = false;
        this["broek"+i]._visible = false;
        this["item"+i]._visible = false;
function kleedAan() {
    weg = new LoadVars();
    terug = new LoadVars();
    weg.sendAndLoad("kleedAan.php?id="+id, terug, "POST");
    //id is in the url from the embedded swf
    terug.onLoad = function(success) {
        if (success) {
            //remove all clothes
            dressup = terug.dressCode.split("|"); //split the string wich contains the items to wear
            if (dressup[0] == persoon) { //if this is the richt avatar person
                for (a=0; a<dressup.length; a++) {
                    //make items from the string visible again
                    _root[dressup[a]]._visible = true;                    
            } else {
                trace("the avatar doesnt match with the avatar in the string");
        } else {
            trace("error loading the php file");

In the html/php file I use al kind off no cache headers etc…like:

header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate"); // HTTP/1.1
header("Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT"); // Date in the past


<meta http-equiv="Pragma" content="no-cache">
<meta http-equiv="Expires" content="-1">

(also again at the bottom of the page)
And the swf is also embedded with some weird random name like:

manAva1.swf?id=1&nocache=<?=rand(0, 999999)?>

So EVERYTHING is as random as possible, I think Ive used everey anti cache header possible (even though they arent w3c approved…) and still I suffer this anoying cache…anyone knows how to take care of this ?

Thx in advance