Hi Guys,
I’ve stumbled upon a pain in the **** of a problem. It couldn’t be simpler; I have 1 TextInput Component on the stage which has focus when run;
When run in Flash 8 Player, the cursor flashes in the box, you can also type and use backspace (delete) as you would expect. However, opening the html page in I.E or Firefox with the swf embedded causes the desired outcomes outlined above to disappear
I don’t want to have to use the mouse to click at the textbox.
The best I can get (with switching window mode to opaque) is; 1) TextInput in swf in I.E with no flashing cursor, ability to type but unresponsive to backspace and 2) TextInput in swf in Firefox with flashing cursor, no ability to type and unresponsive backspace
On the surface, this behaviour seems too stupid for words. Please, please can someone help me achieve what it should do in the first place. I would be eternally grateful,