First of all I know there are alot of threads and info out there, and believe me I have looked but cant find anything that suits what I am trying to do, yet I dont think it is very difficult.
Basically I am selling one product at one price, but it comes in different sizes and colours and I want the user to choose how many.
So this would be three drop down boxes= colour, size and quantity…then a total cost…then buy now…
link to paypal…paypal confirms, colour, size, quantity and total price…and hey presto!!!
Simple right???
Not when you are an amautuer when it comes to php, javascript etc, etc.
I would love to do this in flash, however even if somebody could help me out in html…through paypay I created a buy now button, and with this it gave me the option to add in colour options and sizes…great! But I could not alter the quantity untill I press the buy now buttn (which directs to paypal) and here I can enter a quantity…ok so fine…that would suffice…but I would rather the user can choose, size, colour and quantity all thru my site, get a total then go to paypay…this way they would not get confused.
Please, please , please… I need help!!!