Make it stop!

ok. can anyone figure out how to make this MC stop dragging and, more importantly, stop the pathFinder function when the MC is dragged before 150 or after 600 on the x-axis. this is the last thing i need to figure out, and its driving me crazy. i’ve tried removeEventListeners everywhere, no luck.

any ideas!?!?

var whichSide;
var error; // max number of pixels out
var tolerence = 1; // max error
var xie; // current x approximation
var yie; // current y approximation
var yAbove = 0; // best Approximation above line
var yBelow = 400; // best Approximation below line
myInstance.buttonMode = true;
myInstance.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, dragging);
myInstance.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, drop);
function dragging (event:MouseEvent):void {
 var dragBounds:Rectangle = new Rectangle(150, 200, 600, 100);
    myInstance.startDrag(false, dragBounds);
 addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, pathFinder);
function drop (event:MouseEvent):void {
 this.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, pathFinder);
 if (myInstance.x > 450){
  whichSide = "right";
 } else {
  whichSide = "left";
function pathFinder(event:Event) {
 xie = mouseX;
 yie = mouseY;
  do {
   if (hitGuide.hitTestPoint(xie, yie, true)){
    yBelow = yie
    yie = (yie + yAbove)/2;
   } else {
    yAbove = yie;
    yie = (yie + yBelow)/2;
   error = yBelow - yAbove;
  } while (error > tolerence);
   yAbove = 0;
   yBelow = 400;
   myInstance.x = xie;
   myInstance.y = yie;