Making a game in flash...switching levels when certain score is reached

k…I’m attempting to make a game in flash, but I’m stuck on how to make the scene change when the score reaches 1000…please help me. .fla attached. Thank Ypu.

im not on a comp. with flash at the moment so I’ll try and help. Didn’t you ask this the other day? And didn’t I answer it? Ahwell, its all to do with variables. Your score is most likely a textbox right? Well all you need to say is if “score” is greater than 1000 then goto and play frame with level 2.


I did answer this yesterday. bloody hell! It have better not have been you who asked it!!! just kidding :smiley:


It was you!!! Oh you’ll pay for this, don’t think you wont pay!!! (scared yet? I know I am)

You can run an onEnterFrame to keep checking for the variable that holds the score. When it reaches 1000, go to next scene.
Something like this:

this.createEmptyMovieClip("t", 10000);
t.onEnterFrame = function() {
	if (score == 1000) {
		this._parent.gotoAndPlay(frame);//where frame is the frame with the new scene
delete this.onEnterFrame;