k…I’m attempting to make a game in flash, but I’m stuck on how to make the scene change when the score reaches 1000…please help me. .fla attached. Thank Ypu.
im not on a comp. with flash at the moment so I’ll try and help. Didn’t you ask this the other day? And didn’t I answer it? Ahwell, its all to do with variables. Your score is most likely a textbox right? Well all you need to say is if “score” is greater than 1000 then goto and play frame with level 2.
I did answer this yesterday. bloody hell! It have better not have been you who asked it!!! just kidding
It was you!!! Oh you’ll pay for this, don’t think you wont pay!!! (scared yet? I know I am)
You can run an onEnterFrame to keep checking for the variable that holds the score. When it reaches 1000, go to next scene.
Something like this:
this.createEmptyMovieClip("t", 10000);
t.onEnterFrame = function() {
if (score == 1000) {
this._parent.gotoAndPlay(frame);//where frame is the frame with the new scene
delete this.onEnterFrame;