Making a Loader

i downloaded a pre loader from kirupa, and it works perfectly… but i was wondering how to make a pre loader without the loading bar… just have it say Loading or whatever … what i do now is just move the pre loader off the canvas and put loading tehre is there an easier way? and also how do i get a sogn to load like if i have 3 tracks when you click next it loads


If you don’t want the loading bar to be there then hide it with this script:[AS]this._visible = false;[/AS]
Just apply that to the loading bar movieclip.

After you do that, just place your loading text whever you want it. That’s the easiest and fastest way I know.

ok so ther is no way to do it without the loader component?

hey electron is ther any way i could get you on aim someitm, since you kno most of the answers to my peon questions :wink: or would you prefer keeping it on the boards

Hey Cheez00, I don’t go on AIM much so let’s just keep it on the boards.

As to your question, if you don’t want to use a preloader then just set up a fake one with a the loading text in the first scene of your movie.

Of course I wouldn’t recommend using scenes, but it’s up to you.

I think it’s best to stick with the preloader and use the “dummy” loading text in place of the load bar.

Why don’t you want a loading bar? It seems like you’re working backwards here… I would stick with a loadbar over plain loading text since it will show the viewer some loading progress.

i was just curious if it could be done withou tthe load bar