Hi, i’m quite new to flash, and i want to know how to make an RPG, like zelda or somthin. But i don’t even know how to start off, so i need a LOT of help.
if anyone can give me a link to saite of tutorials that will be fine!
Hi, i’m quite new to flash, and i want to know how to make an RPG, like zelda or somthin. But i don’t even know how to start off, so i need a LOT of help.
if anyone can give me a link to saite of tutorials that will be fine!
Sorry For Bumping this Thread but i just got my comp back :).
Anyways, /\ Im soory i blanked out my hard drive, why dont you ask marz for one?
//\ what is ‘game demystified’? whaere can i get it? if its not free can you tell me what i need to know?
RPG sounds like a great use of Flash. Thats why i love Flash, cuz you can do anything with it!
woo! I’ve made a sort of house open rpg thing… but thats it … a house :(. i want to know some sort of furniture thing so you can buy furniture and place it in… Anybody help?
peg i realy dont wanna sound like an *** but i fear i will. You need to start out small, dont make an rpg for ur first game, it takes alot of coding skills that frankly, u just dont have. Start out with a simple side scroller game, theyre alot more easier to make than RPG’s and they contain all the basics of a game like movement, weapons, enemies, AI, hitTests, scrolling, random and a few other useful things. With RPG’s on the other hand theres a whole other level of AS to make a good RPG.
But if u decide to ignore my ramblings and go on with ur “RPG”, then actualy test the code ur using on different things and dont just copy and paste the code. Say if ur learning how to hitTest a man and a wall and make him stop, dont just use it on that, try applying it to sumthing else, like if an enemy is hit by ur weapon then make him die.
ok ive said enuf
DOn’t Worrry about sounding like an ***, i know.
Im starting to make a simple arcade game, but i don’t know what one yet…
well peg you couild make a good frogger game then just to make it different and get ya used to variables have upgrades that you cna get at the end of each level
lmao i wrote a walker in like 10 mins…and thats making the animations too, so its not much of a start. Im 13 years old and im new to flash but jesus people this is easy stuff. Just think of what you want to happen and put a code that will do it temporarily. Then you post it on the web and see what people can do to make it better. People will help. There are nice ones
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