Making links to pages with flash movieclips, the problem is... (PLEASE HELP)

Ok, i have a flash menu i want to use. I want to make the buttons go to pages like a regular hyperlink. The thing is i dont have my site registered (or uploaded) yet but I know there is a way to link to a page, just by using the name of the website and somehow linking it to the same directory as the current page…

Its hard to explain but its like in FrontPage, how you can link to sites and when you preview it, you can follow the links even though they aren’t uploaded on the internet.

Can someone give me the AS i should use? Thanks


so to open up an HTML page? something like this:

//for local files that load from the same DIR
my_button.onRelease = function() {
     getURL("whatever.htm", _self)

//for local files that load from a different DIR
my_button.onRelease = function() {
     getURL("/whatever/whatever.htm", _self)
//OR for external files
my_button.onRelease = function() {
     getURL("", _self)

not sure if that’s what you mean…

So if i use

//for local files that load from the same DIR
my_button.onRelease = function() {
getURL(“whatever.htm”, _self)
But upload all the files to my webserver (and keep them in the same directory), will the link still work or will i have to add the full web address (ie to the link? THanks for all the help


no, it should work if they are all in the same directory. :smiley:

Just leave the address off and it will reference the directory it exists in.

cool thanks!

ok well i actually tried it out and i didnt get any errors but it just dosn’t go to any site. i am using AS 2.0 if that matters…

I’m using AS2.0 aswell (this is the FMX2004 forum). Post your FLAs…

i got it working now but it opens up a new window… Do you know how to stop that?

ANYONE, i am using disco’s code and instead of just changing websites it opens up a new window…