Making random backgrounds more random w AS

Im working on my site and I have a random background script setup. Heres the code that Im using now.

 choice = Math.round(Math.random()*4);
 switch (choice) {
case 0 :
case 1 :
case 2 :
case 3 :
case 4 :

Now I love the way thats its working and but one thing that is kinda crappy is that sometimes it suffers from repeating the same background a couple of times before going to another random background. Now I know that its because the script is working properly but can anyone think of a method that I could use to make it not be able to pull up the last background that it has already loaded? I dont want to make it static because not only do I have this setup for when you enter the site but also its random when you click on one of the nav buttons because I want to try to keep my site dynamic.

Any ideas?
Thanks in advance.

make a do while loop that checks if the last random number was the same as the new one if it is just loop it again

do {
	choice = Math.round(Math.random()*4);
} while (zzz == choice);  // check so the previous value that was spit out is not the same one it spits out this time
zzz = choice;			  // if it is makes it do the loop again, till it gets one that wasent same 

hope it helps =)

Another way to do this

myArray = [“background1.swf”, “background2.swf”, “background3.swf”, “background4.swf”, “background5.swf”];
function shuffle() {
return Math.round(Math.random()*2-1);
Then just loop through the array

well I tried both of them but they dont seem to work… they still repeat when I put in either snippits of code you gave. I might have to change around how Im calling to the backgrounds all together… Im open to suggestions :wink:
thanks for responding by the way I appriciate it

Not sure what you are doing with the backgrounds. If you want a different background each time a visitor returns to your site, you will have to have a look at sharedObject. But if you are changing the background periodically while a user is on the site, my code will work.

for example

myArray = [“background1.swf”, “background2.swf”, “background3.swf”, “background4.swf”, “background5.swf”];
function shuffle() {
return Math.round(Math.random()2-1);
createEmptyMovieClip(“container”, 1);
i = 0;
function changebackground() {
if (i>=myArray.length) {
i = 0;
, “container”);
myInterval = setInterval(changebackground, 2000);

r ur bkgrds swf’s just colored bkgrds?

no you can see them here