Making "smooth moving homing" ball

well im not sure if this is enough to be called an a.i :stuck_out_tongue: but what im trying to do is getting a code that home in on a player and hopefully that code can be used on a missile or some sort >.< but because the way the code works it bounces like a ball which i think itโ€™s not good for a missile to move like that :stuck_out_tongue:

im trying to use Point but it compiles error saying it cannot load the class :frowning:

iโ€™m kinda noob in programming ^_^" so can anyone lend me a help and suggest me with a better way of making something like this?

here is what i can come out with
all it can do is to track X and Y then either + or - them :frowning:

tracker.onEnterFrame = function() {
// getting positions
var myY = tracker._y
var playerY =
var myX = tracker._x
var playerX =
if (myY != playerY){
 if(myY > playerY){
  this._y -= 20
 }else if (myY < playerY){
  this._y += 20
if (myX != playerX){
 if(myX > playerX){
  this._x -= 20
 }else if (myX < playerX){
  this._x += 20