Making the slide menu a gotoandplay button?

well for you who know the code i went into the scroller and put this code which isnt working

this is from the SLIDE MENU tutorial posted on kirupa … ive done everything right now i want the button that makes the drag also to goto a frame number! how can i go on doing so?

//sets the destination
on (press) {
_root.xnew = _root.mask2._x+(4-1)*1117/2;
on (release) {

am i doing it the right way or what?? heeelp!:battery:

You need to specify which timeline otherwise it will think you mean the current timeline. And I am sure frame 54 doesn’t exist within your menus timeline, but probably the main timeline.

You can probably use _parent.gotoAndPlay(54) and it will work.

ahhhh thank you very much…

the mysteries of actionscript once again solved!