I’ve got this code that scrolls thumbnails. I would like to two columns instead of one. The problem is the first thumb stays put instead of scrolling. if anyone knows how to fix this please help. I’m not that versed in Actionscript, a friend of mine came up with the modified script.
I’m trying to get done for work…We don’t have a flash programmer on board and somehow I got the responisiblity.
The entire code is located at [COLOR=#0000ff]http://onyxtacular.com/doorgallerycherry.zip [/COLOR]
Original code:
while (k < len)
var _mc = thumbBlock.thumbImg.duplicateMovieClip(“thumbImg” + k, k);
_mc.targetY = spaceY * k;
_mc._y = -50 * k;
_mc.no = i;
loadThumb(_mc, _mc.no);
if (k == showNum + 1)
_mc._y = _mc.targetY = -spaceY;
_mc.no = i = totalNum - 1;
loadThumb(_mc, _mc.no);
} // end if
if (i == totalNum - 1)
i = 0;
} // end else if
modified code:
switchX + “l”;
while (k < len)
var _mc = thumbBlock.thumbImg.duplicateMovieClip(“thumbImg” + k, k);
thumbAdjustX = thumbXsize + xSpaceThumb;
leftX = _mc._x;
rightX = _mc._x + thumbAdjustX;
if(switchX == “l”){
_mc._y = -10 * k;
_mc.targetY = spaceY * k;
rightThumbTargetY = _mc.targetY;
rightThumbY = _mc._y;
_mc._x = leftX;
switchX = “r”;
} else if(switchX = “r”){
_mc._x += thumbAdjustX;
_mc._y = rightThumbY;
_mc.targetY = rightThumbTargetY;
switchX = “l”;
_mc.no = i;
loadThumb(_mc, _mc.no);
if (k == totalNum + 1)
_mc._y = _mc.targetY = -spaceY;
_mc.no = i = totalNum - 1;
loadThumb(_mc, _mc.no);
} // end if