Man I love this site The best tutorials I’ve seen ever, loads of tips , great example files, and not to forget: a phantastic forum :beam: A must-have bookmark for Flashing people :beam:
Keep up the good work kirupa & team :beam: !!
Man I love this site The best tutorials I’ve seen ever, loads of tips , great example files, and not to forget: a phantastic forum :beam: A must-have bookmark for Flashing people :beam:
Keep up the good work kirupa & team :beam: !!
Kirupa roxx, we all know that
Btw, do you have kirupa’s PayPal Acount ?! haha, jk
Much agreeage, it seems like I’m learning more from browsing through here compared to the book i’m supposed to read.
*Originally posted by lemonizer *
**Much agreeage, it seems like I’m learning more from browsing through here compared to the book i’m supposed to read. **
very ture that happens alot and whats best is if you have doubts or get stuck you just post and everyone chips in and helps you with your problem this is why i love Kirupa and im comitted to this site :beam:
yea, as i said 3000 times, this site is great. alot of friendly people that are always there to help when its needed.
and thats basically why i spend very day and every minute here.
Thanks! :):trout: :trout: :trout:
I have loved this site for a long time and just joined the forums. This site virtually taught me flash!
Thanx kirupa and continue this good!:s:
I’m glad you enjoy hanging around this place - secretly, I do too lol =) Don’t forget to give a big hand (preferably the foam-like substance) to the mods and all of you for keeping this place alive!
Kirupa :rd:
I know i’ve learned most of my Flash knowledge here. For the past few months I have browsed other forums and the web for most advanced knowledge to play around with, but I usually find exactly what I need either on or using the fantastic search feature of the forum
I think everyone knows I love this site… it’s a given
It sure does rock :beam:
I learned EVERYTHING here, really everything :beam: And iph there’s something i need help with, this great phorum and it’s dito mods are right there to help me and others out :beam:
Can’t express how much I like :beam: Best Flash site ever :beam:
yeah! this site rules all. I’ve learned a lot, just from browsing here. Also because everyone shows off their work i’ve had tons of inspiration for my own projects. Thanks to everyone :beam:
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