Manipulating Gradient Fills via AS3

Hey Guys,

So i have the following code…

function Light(_type:String, _xCo:Number, _yCo:Number, _w:Number, _colors:Array, _alphas:Array, _ratios:Array, _stageRef:Stage) {
            stage = _stageRef;
            movieClip = new MovieClip();
  , _colors, _alphas, _ratios);
  , (-_w/4), _w, _w/2);
            movieClip.blendMode = BlendMode.SCREEN;
            movieClip.alpha = 0.6;
            movieClip.cacheAsBitmap = true;
            movieClip.mouseEnabled = false;
            xNum = ((_xCo + 1) * 50);
            yNum = ((_yCo + 1) * 25);

Which draws a very nice oval on the screen like i want it to, however the gradient is still drawn as if it were a circle.

If i go into the Flash IDE, I can select the graident tool and then “squash” the graident so it fits the oval.

My question is how can I use actionscript to have the gradient be 1/2 as high as it is wide?
