Mask "follow component"

I’ve just downloaded a “follow coponent” - and it works fine on my movieclips, but when i’m trying to use it as a mask, it won’t move…? - any help?

this is the code:

function FollowBehaviorClass() {
var target = this._parent[this._targetInstanceName];
target.useHandCursor = this.showHand;
target.axis = this.axis;
if (this.axis == “x”) {
target.onEnterFrame = function() {
Xpos = _root._xmouse;
Xsquare = target._x;
Xdiff = Xpos-Xsquare;
Xmove = Xdiff/10;
target._x = Xsquare+Xmove;
} else if (this.axis == “y”) {
target.onEnterFrame = function() {
ypos = _root._ymouse;
ysquare = target._y;
ydiff = ypos-ysquare;
ymove = ydiff/10;
target._y = ysquare+ymove;
} else {
target.onEnterFrame = function() {
Xpos = _root._xmouse;
ypos = _root._ymouse;
Xsquare = target._x;
ysquare = target._y;
Xdiff = Xpos-Xsquare;
ydiff = ypos-ysquare;
Xmove = Xdiff/10;
ymove = ydiff/10;
target._x = Xsquare+Xmove;
target._y = ysquare+ymove;
// hide behavior clip
this._visible = false;
this._x = -1500;
this._y = -1500;
// register the class
Object.registerClass(“followBehavior”, FollowBehaviorClass);

nevermind - it’s working now!