Hi there. I’ll try to make this brief.
I have a movieclip (“Projects”). Inside there’s a Movieclip (“Thumbs”). In this mc I have a script which dynamically loads a bunch of images and texts. Because the images are varied in size I simply set all images to a certain width and apply a mask to them thats’ the same width and height as the width of the image, thereby causing all “standing” images to be cut to the same height. Looks a whole lot better and I can keep the text (which is under the images) at the same Y position.
(The thumbs are in three columns)
This all works great. BUT. Now I want to add a mask to “Thumbs” so that I can add a scroll to the whole thing. The scrolling works but the images in “Thumbs” seems to be having trouble. Some of the images simply won’t show up. The first thumb I load shows up fine, but the rest, not so much. And even weirder, if i scroll down, one of the images seems to appear and reappear, depending on how far down I scroll. This is the 4th thumb, the one directly under the 1st thumb, which works fine.
Edit: I should probably also mention that my computer crashed once after I had played the swfmovie for a while in Flash CS3. It usually doesn’t do that.
Can anyone figure out why this is?
I don’t think I can share this FLA with you since it’s a work product and I’d probably get fired if I did but here is the code for the thumb masking.
var thumbMask:Sprite = new Sprite;
thumbMask.graphics.drawRect(0, 0, child.width, child.width);
I draw the scroller mask manually and name it “mask”, and the rest is basically this thing:
I really appreciate any helpful suggestions you might have.