Masking Dynamic Images


I am working on creating basically a photogallery, and I have XML reading in each PNG from a folder of images and as each image is loaded, its animated into place.

Since in the future there will be quite a number of images, all placed in a vertical row (there are only 4 in the example attached), I want to have a mask set up so that only a couple of the images are visible at a time…and then have buttons to scroll to the rest of them. My problem is that I can’t get the masking to work… I tried putting a Mask on the layer above the movie clip that loads in all of the images…but it doesn’t work–all of the images show up. I also tried to dynamically set a mask, but that didn’t work either… I even just tried putting white blocks on a layer about the MC, cropping out what I didn’t want to show (just for testing purposes)… but the images actually showed up ON TOP of the white blocks. This last fact, makes me think that it all has to do with the depths that the images are being loaded at…so I tried attaching a movieClip to be used as a mask, at a very high depth (much higher than any of the images), and then set that MC as a mask on the images MC, but that didn’t work either.

Anyone know what my problem might be? Or be able to suggest a tutorial that covers this problem? All help would be appreciated. Please find attached a zip folder with all of the source files. If you need any other info, just let me know.
