Hey everyone,
I’m new around these parts and to Flash CS4. Getting down to it, I always wanted Flash to emulate After Effects’ animation environment after Adobe acquired it from Macromedia, but you know what they say about being careful what you wish for…
After a bit of struggling and plenty of cussing, I’m finally starting to get used to the new interface and the behavior of the motion editor/new motion tween protocols. That said, I’m still having trouble with a few concepts, namely viewing animated masks inside “3D” movieclips. Does this not work at all, or am I doing something wrong?
Slightly off topic, one thing I’ve always been curious about is why you can’t preview animation happening inside a movie clip on the stage. Is there any technical reason I’m too blind and/or stupid to notice? Otherwise it seem like something they’d allow to do in all this time!
Thanks in advance!