Hi everyone,
I’ve been wanting to make a type of game where the character can move left to right while the user shoots with the cursor, but I want the arms to be attached to the curcor … well not attached but is dragged by it.
At the moment I can’t find an example so I hope you all understand me.
If you could find a tutorial for this type of game please share it with me!
(Please dont give me tower defense & balloon shoot tutorials Ive seen them and there not like the game I want)
err…i dont get it exactly… but if you just want a guy who can aim at the mouse with rotating arms, and shoot at it! Then just put the arm inside the chars mc…if not, explain yourself some more!!
[QUOTE=SparK_BR;2358431]ok, the char moves with the A and D keys and you shot with the mouse…
the mouse is a crosshair and the weapons(arms) are always aiming to the mouse
I played a game like this once, it’s was called “abuse”.
i think it’s simple to do, it’s the same as a normal shooter game(metal slug like) but with 2 simbols(classes) inside 1
the player has 2 classes in it
the player has the registry point in the bottom
the player.arms too
and the player.body has the registry point where the arms should be fixed(torso);
the arms part position is the same X and Y of the body
this._x = _parent.body._x;
this._y = _parent.body._y;
the arms part has 2 simbols, one inside of the other
the arms itself and the gfx;
then you could just make gfx._yscale *=-1 to make it not get upside down;
it’s harder than i tought :stare:[/QUOTE]
That’s exactly what I wana do but I’m sort of a newbie so could you explain in a bit more detail or if it’s easier for you add me on AIM or MSN:
AIm: Amymationgirl