Math questions for the math experts :)

Hello there,

I am looking for a way to find a vector if i know one point and 1 angle…
Like i have A(x,y) and a vector starting from A(x,y) with an angle. I would like to know the position on a point X(x,y) that can be anywhere on that vector. I only know the coordinates of A and the angle. Possible?? I guess it has to be a function… ANy help would be appreciated :smiley:

No. You would also need the length of the vector to be able to find X(x, y).

If you only have the starting point, A(x, y), and the angle you can only tell in what direction X(x, y) is…


ok so let’s say the length is 100… :wink:

take a look at

hehe its helped me alot with trig functions for my program

[ot]How is that project coming anyway? Everytime i see it, it gets a little weirder. Are you experimeting with mind control?:D[/ot]

me?..its umm comming…naw its gonna be a game…hopefully