I just learned about graphs in the context of mathematics, and the [url=http://hackage.haskell.org/packages/archive/containers/]Data.Graph library in Haskell. So, of course, I had to try solving an old contest problem that this made stupidly easy!
import Control.Arrow
import Control.Monad
import Data.List
import Data.Graph
import Data.Maybe
import Text.Parsec
import Text.Parsec.String
cities :: [(String, String)] -> [String]
cities [] = []
cities ((a, b):xs) = a : b : cities xs
solve :: (String, [(String, String)], [String]) -> [Bool]
solve (start, highways, destinations) = map ((path graph $ findV start) . findV) destinations
where graph = buildG (0, length verts) (map (findV *** findV) highways)
verts = cities highways
findV = fromMaybe (-1) . flip elemIndex verts
name :: Parser String
name = manyTill anyChar space
num :: Parser Int
num = do xs <- many1 digit
return (read xs)
parseFile :: Parser (String, [(String, String)], [String])
parseFile = do start <- name
hc <- num
highways <- count hc $ do h <- name
a <- name
b <- name
return (a, b)
dc <- num
destinations <- count dc name
return (start, highways, destinations)
main = do contents <- readFile "p8.data"
case parse parseFile "" contents of
Left err -> print err
Right a -> do forM (solve a) $ \b -> putStrLn $ if b then "Just go a ways over there."
else "You can't get there from here."
return ()
It solves problem 8 from this problem set (PDF warning) for the Trinity contest, 2006.
Only the first two functions, cities
and solve
are needed to solve the problem; the rest of the file just reads in and parses the data and then prints it out.
I challenge anybody who thinks they have a more concise language to try making solve