[SIZE=2]Hi all,
A question for all you math experts out there…
how do you make a function that is possibe according to a %
eg:for a stat system,there is a 60% chance to do -2 the enemy,
how do you hake him do that???
Thanks -a-lot!
It’s simple.
function f60(){
// 60 % chance of getting called
var nChance:Number = random(100)
f60 not called
f60 not called
thank you!
I’d consider revising it just to eliminate the depricated method call…
executeOnChance( 0.6, sayHello );
function sayHello():Void
// chance as a value from 0-1, ex: 50% = 0.5
function executeOnChance( chance:Number, method:Function ):Void
var value:Number = Math.random();
if (value < chance) method();
This makes the idea a little more reusable…
EDIT:\ Innapropriate use of the ternary operator