Matrix3D and Vertex3D

[FONT=Courier New]Hi Guys,

I have a question about Matrix3D and Vertex3D classes. I want to rotate each of this 3 points around center (0, 0, 0):

    v1 = **[COLOR=Blue]vertex3D[/COLOR]**(-100,   0,     0)
v2 = **[COLOR=Blue]vertex3D[/COLOR]**(     0,    0,     0)
v3 = [/FONT][FONT=Courier New][COLOR=Blue]**vertex3D**[/COLOR][/FONT][FONT=Courier New](     0,   0, 120)

by let’s say (35, 12, 35) degrees in xyz axes. I should have get back this coordinates for each of them (I have read them out of 3dsmax)

    v1 = **[COLOR=Blue]vertex3D[/COLOR]**(-80.125, -56.104, 20.791)
    v2 = [/FONT][FONT=Courier New][COLOR=Blue]**vertex3D**[/COLOR][/FONT][FONT=Courier New](  0,   0,       0)
v3 = **[COLOR=Blue]vertex3D[/COLOR]**(  56.220, -44.659,  96.150)

I don’t want to do it like this: OBJECT.transform.matrix3d…bla bla as I need an object to do it, I would like to put each vertex3D separatly through matrix3d in to a for loop to receive at the end pure coordinates. Is it possible???
