Matrixtransform. rotateAroundExternalPoint

hi all,

after some searching on internet i found the function: [FONT=Courier New]rotateAroundExternalPoint(m:[COLOR=#0066cc]Matrix[/COLOR], x:[URL=“…/…/Number.html”][COLOR=#0066cc]Number[/COLOR], y:[URL=“…/…/Number.html”][COLOR=#0066cc]Number[/COLOR], angleDegrees:[URL=“…/…/Number.html”][COLOR=#0066cc]Number[/COLOR]) [/FONT][FONT=Verdana]to rotate an object around an external point. [/FONT]

The top of the object will always point at the centerpoint which is exactly what i want.

[FONT=Verdana]It works fine but i was wondering if its possible to rotate it in an oval instead of in a perfect circle…[/FONT]

I think it should be something with the angleDegrees Parameter but im not sure what to do with it. I also tried to set up an own matrix but i failed:doh:

Can someone please give me a push in the right direction to orbit an object in an oval, and where the top of the object always point at the rotation center ?
