Hi guys,
I know a few people have had problems with this but none of them seem to be in the same situation as me.
I have a navigation bar that slides out when it is rolled over, therefore it is a MOVIE CLIP (instance name is ‘menu’). When this movie clip has rolled out, I need to be able to hover over the drop down menu (which is also a movie clip inside the nav bar movie clip with the instance name ‘dropdownmenu’). I also have a button inside the movie clip but both of these will not work.
I have used the following code on the main timeline:
_root.menu.dropdownmenu.onRollOver = function() {
Is this correct? Does the code go on the timeline or the movie clip?
Is there a tutorial for this?
Speedy replies would be great as I have a meeting with my uni tutor tomorrow and want to have this sorted!
Thanks in advance