Mc moving according on mouse x and y coordinates

I´m trying to make a MC to change it´s x location according to the mouse position. Let´s say that the Mc moves to x=100 when the mouse_x is > 300 and y < 200. and moves back when the mouse goes back.


That´s what I want…

an arrow (movie clip) to follow the mouse all the times in the Y axis outside the canvas (so it´s not visible), let´s say on x=-10

when the mouse goes over and area delimited by x and y coordinates, the arrow moveson the x axis a little so it´s visible on the canvas and at the same time follows the mouse on the Y axis.

the area delimited is the same as the menu area, so when the mouse is over the menu, the arrow will point to the mouse, and when the mouse is outside the menu area, the arrow will move on x axis to outside the canvas but still follows the mouse on the y axis.

Hope I´ve been clear now.
Don´t want to botter you, but it´s taking a lot f time and I think won´t figure out with out a friends help.
