MC quality

Hey guys,

Is there anyway to make a certain MC in a movie with low quality while the rest are all high quality? Like, I got this movie right, but I used a pixel font for the body text, and no matter what I try the text is ALWAYS antialiased… i need to be Aliased and the only way to do that is to make the movie low quality… but that messes up everything else…

can anyone help? Is there a setting to keep the text low quality? im using of of the fre FFF (fonts for flash) fonts.

// 0 = low 
// 1 = high
// 2 = best
myMovieClip._highquality = 0;


If the font is an FFF Font it works in High quality as well.

Right click on your textbox and choose “Properties”.

In there make sure the X,Y coords are on whole numbers and not decimal numbers.

Also make sure your text is not bold or italic, or centered, or justified.

by the way… i think the TextField object also has the _highquality property. i’ll check it out. :wink:

*Originally posted by kax *

// 0 = low 
// 1 = high
// 2 = best
myMovieClip._highquality = 0;

=) **

I believe the _highquality property effects the whole movie and not just individual clips.

yup… :stuck_out_tongue:



actually… you’re right, lost. =)

Hmm, I just tested, and for me it makes the whole movie low quality not just the texfield or movieclip :-\

And it also says _highquality was deprecated in the AS Reference I have, but in these links it says it’s availability is just for Flash MX. The replacement is _quality.


My AS Reference says _highquality is Flash4 usage.

Weird… I think Macromedia needs to recheck their online AS Reference.

i agree with that. :-\

and i just read the description again… _highquality is a global property. so what’s the point of MovieClip._highquality, TextField._highquality and Button._highquality if you can’t specify a different quality for each object!? :crazy: :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah… thats definitely retarded…lol.

Well either way, the quality has nothing to do with this issue, it is a pixel font issue, and I already stated what could be wrong earlier, so hopefully it works out :slight_smile:

hey guys thanks for your reply… i got college in 10 minutes and didnt expect answers this quick hehe :slight_smile:

my FFF font (atlantis…mad font) seems to antialias no matter what and its in a whole number position… oh, but its part of a menu that actually moves around…

so yeah… would id be wise to import all my text as a PNG or GIF and set the whole movie to low quality?? cus i need this text to move around.

hey!! i have that font… no problems with it. :-\

If your menu moves around according to easing or some sort of equation you can put that equation within a Math.round() function to round out the number so it will always be on a whole number :slight_smile: