MC Timeline & Main Timeline

Hi all,

This is going to sound very simple, but I’m having some trouble understanding exactly how the timelines work. I’ve tried searching online but I haven’t found what I’m looking for.

I have two animated movieclips. The first one is 50 frames long and the second one is 200 frames long.

On the main timeline, I want to the first clip to play and when that has finished I want the second clip to play. But I put them onto the main timeline, each on a different layer, they play at the same time.

I understand MC’s play independently of the main timeline, but I’ve tried placing the second MC on the 50th frame of the main time line so it will play after the first MS has finished but it doesn’t work.

Placing them both on the first frame of the main timeline obviously makes them both play at the same time…

How/where would I position the animated movie clips on the timeline so one plays first then the second one plays?

Can anyone please explain this or maybe point me towards a tutorial?

Many thanks.