Me have no id

Hi there!

i’m working on a very nice news cms system… because i’m a (semi)beginner with php and actionscript i can’t fix all the problems. i’m working on it already for almost 6 months but for the first time i have a problem i really can’t fix, at least not for the past 2 weeks.
The thing is that the newspage does have the following aspects.
A xml file gets all the records out of my database and loads it into my flashfile. there you’ll see from every record a small image 50x50px, the title and the news item intro. When you’ll click the record there will be a pop-up wich load the rest of the message with a larger image. the message in the popup are loaded by the record id (popup.php?id=$id)
And $id is ofcourse the id number from the message.

Now my question is the next. is it possible to go to frame 2 and load overthere the rest of the message instead of opening a popup? with something like this:

newsrecord.onRelease = function ()
      gotoandStop (2);

or is it possible to add a frame with something like createFrame? or duplicateMovieClip and give it automaticcally the instancename with the idnumber?
I really don’t have any clue. Does someone have a tip for me so i can get back on the right track?
