I’ve been having problems setting a form in the flash that uses the formmail.pl script to send an email. My webpage is hosted by Media Temple.
Can someone with some experience let me know how this should be properly executed?
So far, it seem that the email is sent by the script, but the email client doesn’t recieve it…
the actionscript is this:
on (press) {
email = forms_in_mc.Semail.text;
realname = forms_in_mc.Sname.text;
subject = forms_in_mc.Ssubject.text;
body = forms_in_mc.Smessage.text;
recipient = "[email="myemail@myweb.com"]myemail@myweb.com[/email]";
loadVariablesNum("[http://www.myweb.com/cgi-bin/formmail.pl](http://www.myweb.com/cgi-bin/formmail.pl)", "0", "POST");