Mediatemple & kirupa

As long as he keeps all of the tables from his databases!

hey lost,
Definitely - I hope lol. As long as the databases are copied without any problems, there should be no messages lost.

Kirupa =)

Ok cool, cause it would definitely suck to have everyone re-register and start from scratch.

*Originally posted by lostinbeta *
**Ok cool, cause it would definitely suck to have everyone re-register and start from scratch. **


Same here.

For one it would just suck.

And for two, we wouldn’t be able to get mad at people who post the same question that has been asked before, because they didn’t know it was asked before…lol :stuck_out_tongue:

But seriously, it would be horrible for kirupaforum for have to start from ground 0 for a third time.

*Originally posted by lostinbeta *
**third time. **

Third time? no, kirupa imported his old board data, only posts, not user handles etc…(So now they look as guests)


Oh ok. Makes sense.

But it would still suck to have to re-register. What if another member stole your name :o

I know a few people have said my member name was cool and they wish they had thought of it first. I would have to rush right quick to register!!!

<~~~ Paranoid

Don’t worry lost, I can ensure that the name lostinbeta only goes to you. Also, I can manually adjust the post counts for each individual, so the top 20 or so posters can retain their post counts after a move.

Kirupa :sure:

*Originally posted by kirupa *
**Don’t worry lost, I can ensure that the name lostinbeta only goes to you. Also, I can manually adjust the post counts for each individual, so the top 20 or so posters can retain their post counts after a move.

Kirupa :sure: **

SWEET :geek:

Thanks Big-K :slight_smile:

Yay! Check out: I’ll move the site once the domain gets switched to the new host. The forums will take a little bit longer, because I am a complete newbie when it comes to configuring the forums (just ask h88 lol)

Kirupa :geek:

SWEET! Getting closer and closer everyday.

yep, can’t wait :slight_smile:

Hey, congrats, the domain got switched:

Yet when I type in, I am still going to the old site. Guess it’ll be just a little while longer before the changes take effect =)

Kirupa :cowboy:

"manually adjust the post counts "…
oh, so that’s how you did it, lost?!
kiddin’ ; lol

good news about the free hosting!

I’ve started to move the files now. There are some advantages to having the flu and staying at home from school a whole week - this gives me a chance to sit one spot and do boring uploading stuff :love:

Kirupa I:-)

Hey Kirupa… now gives you the WE’LL BE BACK page :slight_smile:

And eyez: Nope, thats not it… I just don’t have much of a life :wink: Ok, so thats not technically true, but I don’t sleep either, so that helps.

Hey Kirupa, have you ever though about using as a cheap redirect URL to ? is pretty cheap, and you can probably transfer your domain there.

I think it would be easier for people who don’t come here that often and don’t know about the switch.

Hey lost,
Actually, I was planning on changing the DNS server thingy to point to instead. Mediatemple has some little feature that enables that for subdomains, I might use that…if not, I’ll give your idea shot =)

I am still able to load (grrr!), but in a few hours it should get updated near my area as well!

Kirupa :geek:


I dont really think so, but maybe you have to clear your temp files and cache. I do that every night and was the new page since I first when on this morning.

Ok, i just cleared my cache, and i got the ‘We’ll be Back’ Message, thanks for pointing that lost.