Mediatemple & kirupa

Hey everyone!
I remember a few times during our AIM conversations with various people (Phil decides to use ICQ - grr!) you all mentioned that I use mediatemple for hosting. Well, I gave them a call and asked if they would provide me free hosting (kinda of like what they do with ultrashock and k10k). And, they accepted!

Besides having to pay almost nothing, the forums and the site will be unified into one server - making upgrading and servicing easier. Hopefully, all of this and more should be setup and painstakingly moved in a few weeks to a new server =)

Kirupa C:-)

Congratulation, media temple!!~ Thats one of the good achievements for the forums till now. :wink:

I haven’t seen philboi on ICQ at all… I have him offline, but never online…

Is philboi scared?:chinaman:


Electrongeek just asked me the other day if I could bring up MediaTemple to you. He said they might give you a great deal. I haven’t seen you on AIM the past few days so I didn’t get to ask you.

Apparently you were thinking the same anyway.

That is excellent news man!

See Kirupa, it pays off to listen to Dan on AIM. I am full of all kinds of corky ideas, but every once in a while I get a good one (i.e. media temple & battle forum)!


I am full of corky ideas too… but never get a good one.

■■■■ you Dan… always stealing my good ones…LOL.

Your the Post God/AS master/Social Butterfly of the forum! The next idea is yours…

[size=1]::Dan stops using telekinesis to steal lostinbeta’s ideas::[/size]

Post God: Nope, just the Spam Master

AS Master: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Yeah right.

Social Butterfly: What is that!?

Social Butterfly = Poster of all topics (Spammer) :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh yeah… thats me.

But back on topic.



Mediatemple often picks sites that they believe are good places to get the word out about their services. k10k is where I found out that mediatemple offers their servers for free. In return, I’ll have a small ad promoting their services (and boy will I be promoting them!) on the site.

Them sponsoring the server takes a big burden off my shoulder from having to find new advertisers, etc. I just hope it all goes well and the sites (forum and this one) get back to normal after the switch is made =)

Kirupa :stuck_out_tongue:


When are you announcing this to the public (aka Random section).

Once it all seems to be up. I want to keep it “Top Secret” until I get the server and all the various stuff configured. I should be getting confirmation with the server log-in info and such within the next few days; after that, we can publicize it elsewhere =)

Kirupa :ub:

Ok, I bet you are excited about telling people!

I bet you are excited about the whole thing in general.

You know only the best of the best get free hosting from MT! Yes… that means you :wink:


Good to see that some companies at least are supportive of upcoming sites. :slight_smile:

Congratulations. :slight_smile:

One step closer to beating the livin’ snot outta Flashkit! :bad:


Hi kirupa,

Jubba just notified me, that Nali posted a thread about MT @ Random, so i just made the thread require a mod validation, cuz i know you don’t want to tell public about it.

If you don’t mind Nali telling public, am so sorry, you can at any time validate his post through this URL:

Jubba PMed him as well.


Hey h88,
No that was a good move though :slight_smile: I do not want the public to know about it just yet. I should be getting it all setup next week (I hope). I still haven’t received any information regarding the server, etc. Once portions of the site go online, then it’ll be time to notify the others =)

Kirupa :rambo:


Will you be able to transfer the forum over without losing anything/everything?