Menu coloring help

My menu consist of dynamic textfields located inside transparent movieclips and so far I have only made roll over and roll out effect like the this:

(the text inside dynamic textfields is set to white color by default)

function rollOverMenu(e:MouseEvent):void { = 0xFF9900;
function rollOutMenu(e:MouseEvent):void { = 0xFFFFFF;

Now i need it to be functionable like a button, so next to roll over and roll out i need also up and down state, and i am talking only about text having certain color in each of
these states, nothing else…

But right now, I am only coloring the text on roll over and roll out and i am not sure if this setup can get me up and down state also, because each time I roll out of it, the color will change to roll out color…

I though initially this is going to be easy but now i cant really figure a way to do this, maybe somebody could give me some advice how to do that with the setup i have.