Okay, I would like to make this menu animate sideways instead of down. Can someone help me?
You’ll have to re-write all the AS and that would be too much trouble. I guess thats why no1 replied. :-\
Well could someone throw a tut my way? or anything? anything will be appreciated.
Have you tried searching the web?
Well the problem is, I dont know what to search for.
Collapsible menu probably
K. Thanks! :thumb:
You’re welcome :tumb:
Yes, Claudio, I found a tutorial that explains how to do a collapsible drop down menu, but if you could, could u take a look. I don’t think its for MX. If it isn’t, could u possible help me?
I modifeid a vertical menu a little bit.
Wow, thats exactly what I wanted! But is there a way I can add some animation to it?
Oh and i’m tryin to use JTarbells imagestorm thing for a picture gallery, how could I change the code to make the picture display unrandom? I want a set amount of pictures displaying up there.
What kind of animation you mean?
Well for instance when I click on “dogs” I kinda want to add an animation where it slides out, not just appear so sudden.
I dont know, youll have to play around with AS to achieve the sliding effect. And i didnt understand what you want to achieve with the imagestorm thing …
Well for the imagestorm thing, I loaded up 10 pictures, but when i Test movie, it shows 10 pictures, but not 10 different pictures. It duplicates a couple pictures. So for instance it would have 2 of the same pictures and the rest are different. I’m tryin to make it show all 10 pictures which are suppose to be different.
Did you check the file structure? Theres a mc on library which contains alll thumbnails. You have to edit that and probably change a few variables.
Sorry for putting another post. It wouldn’t let me attach file.