i am having a problem with my menu. i am creating a new flash site and i decited to make my own menu, instead of getting it from Flash Kit. the problem is, i put in this script, after i selected the button.
on (release) {
and i add the link. but when i go to test out my web site it doesnt work, nothing happens.
i made a seperate page in MX and i uploaded it to my server.
please help. this is probally a really stupid question but i am stuck.
Did you remember to create a empty movieclip with an instance name of “content”? That script above is loadeing it into a movieclip with an instance called “content” so if you didn’t make it then it wont have nothing to load to.
Where ever you want your locations.swf to appear is where the empty movieclip should be. Just think of it this way, the locations.swf will replace the empty movieclip once it’s loaded.
So create the empty movieclip on your main movie and place it wherever you want, but make sure it’s sitting on the main timeline of course. =)
Thanks Alex, there’s no need to be jealous, I’m still the same as everyone here, we’re all here to learn and help out each other. =)
As for the image you just posted, that circle with a cross in the center is the registration point of the new movieclip you created. And judging by the properties panel in that pic, you gave that movieclip an instance name of main which would be wrong since the script you posted targets an movieclip with an instance name of content.
So change main to content or vice versa and it should work. =)
By clicking on the lil cross, you’re basically selecting the whole movieclip so yes, you can do that. Just move that lil cross, but keep in mind that lil cross represents the center of the movieclip so it will also be the center of your external movie.
Just play around and move it to different spots until you get it right. =)
ok…i had trouble with the load from an external .swf with placement before…so you are saying…if i move the little cross to the center of the blank mc, it will center the movieclip? because whenever i try to load an external .swf…it places it somewhere really weird…