menuXml = new XML();
menuXml.ignoreWhite = true;
menuXml.onLoad = function(success) {
startx = 0;
starty = 0;
if (success) {
menuItem = this.firstChild.childNodes;
for (var i=0; i<menuItem.length; i++) {
//attach clip with textfield called dyntext
item = _root.attachMovie("itemClip", "itemClip" + i, i);
item._x = startx+Math.floor(i/3)*150;
item._y = starty+30*(i%3);
item.useHandCursor = false;
//Since the dynamic txt field was placed in it's own MC holder
//with the instance name dyntext, I had to alter the path here
item.dyntext.itemLabel.text = menuItem*;
item.location = menuItem*.attributes.location;
//this starts the button fade in on rollover
item.onRollOver = function() {
//this starts the fade back to original position
item.onRollOut = function() {
item.onRelease = function() {
[color=Red]tried, tried and tried! :([/color]
// getURL(location,"_parent");
// trace (_parent.dok.loadMovie = (item.location, _parent));
//dok = mc on stage!
dok.loadMovie (item.location, _parent);
[color=Sienna]I miss something… eheh. I did several traces.
the swf isnt loading…
even not jpg.
For the swf i used this for the xml file…
01 and 1 just for test ;p
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<myItem name="Blaat nummer 1" location="1.swf"/>
<myItem name="Blaat nummer 2" location="2.swf"/>
<myItem name="Blaat nummer 3" location="3.swf"/>
<myItem name="Blaat nummer 4" location="4.swf"/>
<myItem name="Blaat nummer 5" location="01.swf"/>
<myItem name="Blaat nummer 6" location="02.swf"/>
<myItem name="Blaat nummer 7" location="03.swf"/>
<myItem name="Blaat nummer 8" location="04.swf"/>
<myItem name="Blaat nummer 9" location="09.swf"/>
<myItem name="Blaat nummer 10" location="10.swf"/>
Can someone help me out?