Merry Christmas!

Hey guys - I know this is a few days early but I dont know how many of you are going to have time to be here over the next half week or so, so I thought I would just take this time to wish Everyone here a Merry Christmas <:}

and ifyou dont celebrate christmas - at least have a Happy Holiday! <:}

hums jingle bells very softly as he walks away…

Have a nice one too my friend!

And all the people here at this worm and wonderful place called Kirupaville, merry cristmas!!:beam:<:}

yeah! Merry Christmas everybody! N’ all that other stuff! =)

Bah Humbug



Merry Christmas to all and happy birthday to Recce (41), craschnburn (27) and Threadhead (24)… oh and Jesus :D:):smiley:

Merry Christmas to you all =)

Kirupa :rambo:

I hear ya Phil - it’s almost like no one gives a crap!<:}

“coal for you, you, you - oh yah - and YOU!”

Now get posting!

H-A-P-P-Y E-A-S-T-E-R!!!


U know, we open our gifts on the evening hours of december 24th :slight_smile:

yeah, but you also call santa father noel or sumthing rigtht?

well MARRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL! AND TO ALL A GOOD NIGHT! (or day cause its 10:41 AM here)<:}


Merry Christmas everyone! =)

■■■■…got ■■■■…niiiice:crazy:

just scrolling along, thought your the best yo, keep up the good work, and ahem, sexy picture ^_~

Well Merry Christmas everyone :slight_smile:

And have a happy holiday! :slight_smile:

and a Happy Day Before the Sales to everyone here in Kirupalvania (maybe if I use the name long enough, someone else will pick it up - [SIZE=1]::hint hint ::[/SIZE] )

best wishes,
