
Yeah, I like Metallica. Their best album has to be the unnamed black one - Sad But True simply rocks and as for ‘Nothing Else Matters’… :slight_smile:

MettalicA? No, what about Papa Rouch or Red Hot Chilli Peppers?

Chilli Peppers are good.

Papa Roach I am not convinced by, same with Limp Bizkit ("rollin’ rollin’ rollin’ "? I ask you… ) I prefer Linkin Park, myself. Can’t wait for their new album.

Yea, I like Linkin Park too (blah, forgot them :wink:

Do you guys remember the flash cartoons with Metallica and the whole napster thing? Man those were funny!

“Napster baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad!”

hahaha - good times :slight_smile:

SureShot, could you gimme a link or somthing? I’d like to see that =)

*Originally posted by UNFLUX *
**old metallica = RULES! [pre-justice]

new metallica = SUCKS! [post-justice]

:goatee: **

[SIZE=7]<– AGREES 100%[/SIZE]

Chili Peppers=genius
Papa Roach, Linkin Park=okay, but a bit weak.

Lynx - go here

and watch “the original napster bad” and then watch the rest of them as well - I say watch the original first so you can understand where it came from :slight_smile: Have fuN! They are great!!

thanks SureShot for the link :slight_smile:

metalica sucks like no other, as well as linkin park. Both of those band are interested in nothing more than money.

go look at the link I posted if you havent, it illustrates your point to a tee!

But in most cases - 99% of the bands out there are in it for money at one point…

I saw Mettalica a few years back, with Black Lab, and Jerry Cantrell… Mettalica was great, Black Lab blew the crowd away…

It was a good show. nothing to wear a thong over…

Oh, and Jerry CAntrell played. ho hum…


*Originally posted by gimmesomemore!! *
**Both of those band are interested in nothing more than money. **

All the flashers sucks - they all are interested in money. :stuck_out_tongue:

j/k, I think that everybody is intrested in money, everybody wants to eat or smth. :slight_smile:

*Originally posted by Lynx *
**All the flashers sucks - they all are interested in money. :stuck_out_tongue:

j/k, I think that everybody is intrested in money, everybody wants to eat or smth. :slight_smile: **

yea…of course everyone is interested in money…that’s why I put “interested in NOTHING MORE than money”

i saw metallica play an accoustic set with jerry cantrell (alice in chains), in shoreline about five years ago. It was for the bridge school benefit. That was back when i liked metallica.

they played an acoustic set as well. This show was at Shoreline, prob about 5 years ago as well…


…Neil Young, Alanis Morrisette, Smashing Pumpkins, Lou Reed, Blues Traveler… it was a two day event…