Yeah, I like Metallica. Their best album has to be the unnamed black one - Sad But True simply rocks and as for ‘Nothing Else Matters’…
MettalicA? No, what about Papa Rouch or Red Hot Chilli Peppers?
Chilli Peppers are good.
Papa Roach I am not convinced by, same with Limp Bizkit ("rollin’ rollin’ rollin’ "? I ask you… ) I prefer Linkin Park, myself. Can’t wait for their new album.
Yea, I like Linkin Park too (blah, forgot them
Do you guys remember the flash cartoons with Metallica and the whole napster thing? Man those were funny!
“Napster baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad!”
hahaha - good times
SureShot, could you gimme a link or somthing? I’d like to see that =)
*Originally posted by UNFLUX *
**old metallica = RULES! [pre-justice]
new metallica = SUCKS! [post-justice]
:goatee: **
[SIZE=7]<– AGREES 100%[/SIZE]
Chili Peppers=genius
Papa Roach, Linkin Park=okay, but a bit weak.
Lynx - go here
and watch “the original napster bad” and then watch the rest of them as well - I say watch the original first so you can understand where it came from Have fuN! They are great!!
thanks SureShot for the link
metalica sucks like no other, as well as linkin park. Both of those band are interested in nothing more than money.
go look at the link I posted if you havent, it illustrates your point to a tee!
But in most cases - 99% of the bands out there are in it for money at one point…
I saw Mettalica a few years back, with Black Lab, and Jerry Cantrell… Mettalica was great, Black Lab blew the crowd away…
It was a good show. nothing to wear a thong over…
Oh, and Jerry CAntrell played. ho hum…
*Originally posted by gimmesomemore!! *
**Both of those band are interested in nothing more than money. **
All the flashers sucks - they all are interested in money.
j/k, I think that everybody is intrested in money, everybody wants to eat or smth.
*Originally posted by Lynx *
**All the flashers sucks - they all are interested in money.
j/k, I think that everybody is intrested in money, everybody wants to eat or smth. **
yea…of course everyone is interested in money…that’s why I put “interested in NOTHING MORE than money”
i saw metallica play an accoustic set with jerry cantrell (alice in chains), in shoreline about five years ago. It was for the bridge school benefit. That was back when i liked metallica.
they played an acoustic set as well. This show was at Shoreline, prob about 5 years ago as well…
…Neil Young, Alanis Morrisette, Smashing Pumpkins, Lou Reed, Blues Traveler… it was a two day event…